on 7:36 PM

Not all that long ago I used to attend art exhibitions in Sydney, Australia. No, I'm not an artist but just a person who happened to live in the trendier parts of town. It was a nice way to spend a Saturday afternoon - browsing new paintings by up-and-coming local artists. More often than not they would offer the guests small portions of various cheeses along with a selection of moderately priced wines. I had a great time, but I didn't know that what I was doing was also giving me a health boost bonus! You see, wine and cheese are the Batman & Robin dynamic duo for lowering your blood pressure.

When was the last time you had a wine and cheese party? You don't need to be an artist to enjoy one; it's a great way to entertain guests and a good excuse to get together. It's also a nice way to ward-off high blood pressure.

Cheese & wine parties are excellent for larger get-togethers as well. You can make it lots of fun by having every guest bring a bottle of wine and an exotic cheese. It's a great way to sample new wines and cheeses ... and a perfect way to get to know your friends better with free-flowing wine and conversation.

What better way to kick-back and relax ... both you and your arteries. Wine is good for lowering your blood pressure ... and so is cheese. But not just any old wine, make it a red one. Read on to find out why.

~ A glass or two of red ~

The flavonol called resveratol is a protective antioxidant. Free radicals are agents that affect chemical reactions in the body; they can cause cell damage resulting in cancer and other problems such as high blood pressure. Resveratol as the protective antioxidant protects your arteries against the damage done by free radicals and also assists in preventing the hardening of your arteries.

Flavonol also benefits you in another important way. The clumping together of blood platelets causes blood clotting and thrombosis - not something you want to have to deal with as both can be deadly serious problems! Flavonol is active in stopping your platelets from bunching up together; a glass of red wine helps your body to prevent these nasty problems by keeping your blood smoothly flowing through your arteries.

And some more good news ... recent studies have shown that drinking red wine also helps to improve the operation of your artery linings. When the linings of your arteries are working properly they freely dilate bringing down your blood pressure. The only question is how much of the good red is too much?

Nobody is suggesting you go out and buy a crate of red to be consumed immediately, but a glass or two a day is ideal for most people ... this is the perfect consumption to keep your heart and arteries young - and maintain your blood pressure at healthy levels. Which red wine is best? The darker varieties are best as they are higher in the protective resveratrol flavonoid. As far as white wine is concerned, you really shouldn't bother ... it has much less benefit than the mighty red.

~ A Chunk of Cheese ~

When we think of cheese we tend to think of how much fat it contains, and whilst cheese does have more than enough saturated fat, a little is actually good for you. The key is, of course, moderation. Just like red wine, if you don't go overboard, it can be healthy. Too much of it and your cholesterol levels can rise.

When cheese is being made and the milk is fermenting ... peptides are released from the milk proteins. Peptides, which are related to proteins and amino acids, help to control your blood pressure by impeding the enzymes that convert angiotensin. Angiotensin are made up of any of the three polypeptide hormones, one of which is a powerful vasoconstrictor (something that constricts a blood vessel). When the protein angiotensin gets converted to angiotensin II it constricts your arteries and increases the retention of water and sodium. This whole process has a rather adverse affect on your blood pressure - it pumps it right up!

You can stop the reaction that forces your blood pressure up by taking in the other peptides - those found in fermented milk products like cheese. Eating a small wedge of cheese blocks the enzyme that creates angiotensin II, helps your arteries to stay relaxed, and thereby keeps your blood pressure down.

~ Take it easy with a nice glass of Shiraz and a Slice of Gruyere ~

Having been at the grinding wheel all day ... when the tension built up during the day has pumped up your blood pressure ... why not enjoy some nice cheeses with a glass of dark red wine. Relax your mind, relax your body, relax your arteries ... get your blood pressure back to a normal level. It will be greatly appreciated by your heart!

Kery Bellis is a long-time natural health advocate and a strong supporter of an exciting new program helping victims of high blood pressure. Start living a healthier life now ... go to http://www.coolestebooks.com/products2.html

on 1:30 AM

This is a local application using a cloth which has been wrung out in cold water. The cloth should be folded into a broad strip and dipped in cold water or ice water. The compress is generally applied to the head, neck, chest, abdomen, and back.

The cold compress is an effective means of controlling inflammatory conditions of the liver, spleen, stomach, kidneys, intestines, lungs, brain, pelvic organs and so on. It is also advantageous in cases of fever and heart disease. The cold compress soothes dermities and inflammations of external portions of the eye. When the eyeball is affected, the cold compress should follow a short fomentation.

Healing compress

This is a cold compress covered in such a manner as to bring warmth. A heating compress consists of three or four folds of linen cloth wrung out in cold water which is then covered completely with dry flannel or blanket to prevent the circulation of air and help accumulation of body heat. It is sometimes applied for several hours. The duration of the application is determined by the extent and location of the surface involved, the nature and thickness of the coverings and the water temperature. After removing the compress, the area should be rubbed with a wet cloth and then dried with a towel.

A heating compress can be applied to the throat, chest, abdomen, and joints. A throat compress relieves sore throat, hoarseness, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis. An abdominal compress helps those suffering from gastritis, hyperacidity, indigestion, jaundice, constipation, diarrhoea, dysentery and other ailments relating to the abdominal organs. The chest compress also known as chest pack, relieves cold, bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, fever, cough and so on, while the joints compress is helpful for inflamed joints, rheumatism, rheumatic fever and sprains.

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Overcome Type I Diabetes and Type II Diabetes Naturally
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on 4:00 PM

Colds are caused by over 100 different viruses and the symptoms can last from 7 to 14 days regardless of any treatment. Not all viruses will cause you to have a ?temperature? ? however if this does occur and the temperature stays below 102 F (39 C), then the increased temperature will help get rid of the virus a little faster.

Because there is no effective treatment for the virus, the best thing to do is to keep your immune system in top condition ? and that means avoiding certain foods and giving your immune system the nutrition it needs.

Natural cold remedies includes:

  • Vitamin C to bowl tolerance and bioflavenoids, Vitamin A and bioflavenoids.
  • Garlic (very good natural antibiotic) and Echinacea (widely use in Europe ? improves production of immune system proteins).
  • Chicken soup! ? believe it or not, even Harvard and many other Universities have proven this as one of the best natural cold remedies. The protein in the soup helps to replace that which is lost through mucus and contains an amino acid (cysteine) that helps to thin the mucus.
  • Reduce your intake of milk and milk products as well as refined carbohydrates such as sugar, biscuits, bread etc. Avoid juices especially orange juice ? contains fructose sugar and can worsen the condition.
  • Drink plenty of water and lots of rest. Caution against over-exercising ? particularly if you have been taking antibiotics for a secondary infection (such as bronchitis or pneumonia). This can and does regularly lead to cardiac failure in otherwise healthy people including athletes.
  • Omega 3 essential fatty acids help boost the immune system. Conversely, fried food and vegetable oils (omega 6) depress the immune system.
  • There are many essential oils that can be used as natural cold remedies by inhaling, adding to a bath, and as a rub or massage including ? lavender, lemon, lemongrass, Roman and German chamomile, marjoram, ginger, tarragon, manuka, cedarwood, peppermint, ravensara, myrrh, orange, pine, oregano, frankincense, thyme, Eucalyptus globulus and E. radiata, rosemary, tea tree and thyme.

Recommended Supplements for Colds

  • All 90 essential nutrients ? including a full range of minerals, amino acids, vitamins and essential fatty acids.
  • Selenium ? is an immune-boosting supplement and important antioxidant.
  • An Echinacea/garlic supplement ? particularly useful before the ?cold season?.
  • Paul Newland is a health writer, sports training consultant and martial arts instructor and manages the Global-Longevity.com website. He is the author of numerous health information books and guides, including the Wellness Report, The Ultimate Antioxidant Report, The Selenium Report, The Bird Flu Report, The Ultimate Nutrient Guide and The Essential Fatty Acid Report and The Ultimate Sports Nutrition Guide - available Free (for a limited time) through Global-Longevity.com

    on 3:54 PM

    There is a lot of debate surrounding the effectiveness and necessity of skin toners. Whether or not you choose to use skin toner within your own skincare routine is up to you.

    Some people object to create their own skin toners as opposed to going out and buying it. The benefits of this method of creating your own recipes is obviously that you will know exactly what is going into you or skin toner concoction because you are the one designing it.

    Obviously you should be fairly comfortable with reading your own toners if you're going to utilize this method. But for those of you who are might want to consider the costs associated with having certain natural ingredients such as rose petals and any number of organic natural recipes.

    Some skin toners are made from harvest fruit or vegetables and will wide not only a natural solution for a toner but will make you look especially tasty, heh.

    Just from reading the first few paragraphs of this article you should already begin to imagine the amazing number of possibilities not only in the creation of a skin toner or the acquisition of skin toner but in terms of the application. However if you simply just want to get this process done within your skincare regimen you should just go buy from your corner grocery pharmacy or supermarket.

    Natural skin care product items that are home made may require an initial investment in time, but may be worth it for you. The choice is yours- please visit http://www.skin-care-1.com for more articles.

    on 7:51 PM

    Sports medicine or sport medicine is an interdisciplinary subspecialty of medicine which deals with the treatment and preventive care of athletes, both amateur and professional. The team includes specialty physicians and surgeons, athletic trainers, physical therapists, coaches, other personnel, and, of course, the athlete.

    Illness or injury in sport can be caused by many factors ? from environmental to physiological and psychological. Consequently, sports medicine can encompass an array of specialties - cardiology, orthopaedic surgery, biomechanics, traumatology, etc. For example, heat, cold or altitude during training and competition can alter performance or may even be life threatening. What about the female triad of disordered eating, menstrual and bone density problems, and the pregnant or the aging athlete? In addition, the management of dermatological and endocrinological diseases and other such problems in the athlete demands expertise and sport-specific knowledge. The use of supplements, pharmacological or otherwise, and the topics of doping control and gender verification present complex moral, legal and health-related difficulties.

    Then there are the particular problems associated with international sporting events, such as the effects of travel, acclimatization and the attempt to balance an athlete's participation and her or his health. Much of this represents new fields of study where extensive clinical and basic science research is burgeoning.

    Finally, prevention is an area of increasingly specialized knowledge, interest and expertise.

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