on 1:26 PM

The popular media has recently caught the scent of the growing importance of yoga within the blossoming lifestyle trends towards improving individual health and the wholeness of consciousness. Some of these articles have made a caricature of the yoga mama portraying only a tiny tip of the iceberg while missing the enormous impact that this lifestyle trend is creating within our society. But as they say, All publicity is good publicity and we all welcome the recognition and attention towards ways to improve our quality of life, health and awareness.

The science, philosophy, practice and art of Yoga are vast. At its basis, Yoga is Union, union with the simplest form of awareness - Pure Consciousness. The many different branches and schools of Yoga all have the same goal which is the complete integration and perfect functioning of body and mind.

Because Yoga integrates and strengthens all aspects of our mind, body and awareness, the benefits from the practice of Yoga are wide and far reaching with improvements in cardiovascular efficiency, the respiratory system, muscular and structural flexibility and suppleness, greater emotional and mental balance, increased energy, reduced stress, increased mental clarity, and improved health.

The clothing that you wear when practicing Yoga should help you on the Path and not be a distraction. Your yoga clothing should allow you to move easily and freely in the different asana postures without strain or restriction. Keep these qualities in mind when selecting your yoga clothing:

  • Comfortable. Yoga clothes should be comfortable and allow free movement for your body in the various Yoga positions. Some people prefer loose fitting clothing that allows plenty of room to move and some prefer close-fitting, stretchy clothing with a bit of lycra so your clothes don?t get in the way of your movements. Either can work well and it is largely a matter of choice. Make sure that your clothing also is suitable to your level of modesty and that as you stretch and bend your clothing doesn?t expose more of yourself than you feel comfortable with.

    When choosing your yoga wear chose clothing made with pure organic cotton or hemp as these provides maximum comfort by allowing the body to breathe properly which is an essential for yoga apparel. Another important feature of Yoga clothes should be sweat absorbency to help keep you dry and comfortable. Besides being softer, the longer fibers of organic cotton have much greater moisture absorbency than chemically grown and processed conventional cotton. Hemp has the greatest absorbency of all the natural fibers and is a good choice for yoga and activewear clothing.

    For ladies, it is wise to invest in a good sport bra which can help considerably with support and comfort. This will enhance and bring self confidence during your yoga practice.

  • Healthy. Our desire to improve our health through the practice of Yoga should be supported by wearing healthy, organic clothing. Cotton is the most popular natural fiber but conventionally grown and manufactured cotton is the most chemically-intensive fiber grown with devastating consequences to the environment. Conventionally grown cotton consumes 25% of the pesticides used in the world. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has found that the nine most common pesticides are highly toxic ? five are probable carcinogens.

    Protect your health and the health of the environment by selecting organically grown and manufactured clothing.

  • Durable. The stretching, bending, and twisting of some yoga asanas can strain some seams and fabrics. Select well-constructed clothing with double seams and durable manufacturing. The longer fibers of organic cotton and hemp are naturally stronger, wear longer and are more comfortable.

  • Life Sustaining. Practicing yoga will help us establish balance within ourselves and a balanced lifestyle in harmony with our environment. Part of this balanced lifestyle is acknowledging the right of all people to be paid a fair and just wage for their labors. When purchasing your yoga clothes look for clothing that has been manufactured in a Fair Trade, non-sweatshop environment.

We can gain many benefits to mind, body, and spirit from the practice of yoga. Get the most from your yoga practice by selecting yoga clothing that will help give the maximum experience. And enjoy.

Michael Lackman is a long yoga practicioner. He is also the founder of LotusOrganics.com, an online organic clothing store offering purely beautiful and healthy organic clothing for yoga, exercise, casual wear and sleepwear.

on 7:59 PM

Below is an overview of various Fibromyalgia Treatment options available to the patient.


Acupuncture stems from the Chinese philosophy of energy flowing in the meridians that lie below the skin. Energy imbalances in these meridians is used for the diagnosis of disease. Acupuncturists insert very fine needles into the skin to balance energy as in fibromyalgia pain treatment. Acupuncture is often used to help control pain and is beneficial for pain management in the treatment of fibromyalgia.


Typically Allopathic physicians recommend the following medications for patients with Fibromyalgia Symptoms:

?Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAID?s) - These over-the-counter pain relievers may ease the pain and stiffness caused by fibromyalgia, however, their effectiveness varies with individuals.

?Antidepressants - These medications are prescribed to patients with depression. The medication affects the levels of Serotonin in the brain.

?Muscle Relaxants - If muscle relaxants are taken before sleeping, they may help reduce pain and spasms.

?Narcotics - Physicians don't usually recommend narcotics for treating FMS because of the potential for dependence and addiction.


Chiropractic treatment is based on the premise that restricted movement in the spine may lead to reduced function and pain. Spinal adjustment (manipulation) is one form of therapy a chiropractor uses to treat restricted spinal mobility. The goal is to restore spinal movement and, as a result, improve function, decreasing pain. Manipulation does not need to be forceful to be effective. A Chiropractor may also use soft tissue massage in the treatment of FMS, stretching muscles that are shortened or in spasm.

Diet And Nutrition

A natural Fibromyalgia Treatment and balanced fibromyalgia nutrition diet can be helpful in counteracting stress, removing toxins from the body, and restoring the natural balance of nutrients. Homeopathy medicine, FIBRO-HELP products, help patients by combatting stress, replacing deficiencies, and supporting the immune system. Patients are recommended to limit the amount of sugar; caffeine; alcohol; and fried, processed, fatty foods consumed. These substances have been shown to irritate muscles and stress the system increasing FM pain. Even for those patients who do not have severe food triggers or allergies, eating a healthier diet can have long-term benefits in the treatment of fibromyalgia. Supplementing the present diet with greater quantities of raw or lightly cooked fruits and vegetables, and substituting meats that are high in fat with fish or lean poultry, are also beneficial practices.


Fibromyalgia Exercise is one of the most powerful remedies in the treatment of fibromyalgia. Increasing scientific evidence has shown that exercising for a minimum of 20 minutes per day will help fibromyalgia patients as a natural fibromyalgia treatment. Exercise becomes a key component in healing FM Syndrome patients because a properly designed routine will improve the body tissues, decrease pain, and increase mobility. The fibromyalgia exercise program must be slow and gradual. The goal is to improve overall health while decreasing FM symptoms.


The word Homeopathy (or Homoeopathy) is derived from the Greek words ?homoios?, meaning ?like? or ?similar?; and ?pathos?, meaning ?suffering? or ?disease?. Homeopathy is a system of medical therapeutics for treating based on the principle of ?similae? or ?simile.? ?Disease is eliminated through remedies able to produce similar symptoms.? The principle is that certain substances (herbs, minerals, inorganic salts, and other organic materials, etc.) in full strength yield the same symptoms as does a known disease, and that those same substances when potentised (or diluted and vigorously agitated) can provide relief of those same symptoms. Titrated dilutions and succussions of a particular substance can often be the means for fibromyalgia treatment. Today, unlike nutritional substances, Homeopathy substances are considered medicines, recognized as powerful entities which allow specific medical claims to be made about them.

Massage Therapy

Massage involves the use of different manipulative techniques to move the body's muscles and soft tissues. Massage Therapy aims to improve circulation in the muscle, increasing the flow of nutrients, eliminating waste products. Massage can relax muscles, improve range of motion in the joints, and increase the production of the body's natural painkillers. It often helps relieve stress and anxiety for those afflicted with the symptoms of pain.


Doctors of Naturopathic Medicine are educated with the same general medical curriculum as traditional Allopathic doctors, but also study traditional natural therapeutics emphasizing lifestyle changes, disease prevention, and optimal wellness. They perform physical examinations, laboratory testing, gynecological exams, nutritional and dietary assessments, metabolic analysis, and allergy testing. They may order diagnostic testing, as well as incorporate a wide variety of natural therapeutics for natural fibromyalgia treatment. .


Osteopaths are licensed to perform many of the same therapies and procedures as traditional Allopathic doctors. One area where Osteopathy differs from conventional medicine - but is similar to Chiropractic medicine - is in the use of manipulation to address joint and spinal problems. This is beneficial in the treatment of fibromyalgia symptoms


Physicians who specialize in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation are called Physiatrists. Doctors of Physiatry specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of patients in 3 major areas of medical care: musculoskeletal injuries and pain syndromes, Electrodiagnostic Medicine, and rehabilitation of patients with severe physical impairments.


Physical Therapy is a health care profession that helps the patient restore the use of muscles, bones, and the nervous system. The basics of the physical therapy profession include the use of modalities like ice, heat, ultrasound, and electrical stimulation. Therapeutic exercises, therapeutic massage, manual therapy, and hydrotherapy-aquatic therapy are all used for pain relief and fibromyalgia treatment.

Self Care

Self Care is critical in the treatment of Fibromyalgia Syndrome. Some important tips for self care:

?Reduce Stress - Avoid or limit overexertion and emotional stress. Allow time to relax daily practicing stress reduction techniques such as deep-breathing exercises or meditation for FMS treatment. Sleep - Fatigue is one of the major symptoms of FM, getting enough sleep is essential. In addition to allotting enough time for sleep, get into a routine of sleeping and waking up at the same hour each day. Take short naps to restore energy in the body. Fibromyalgia Exercise - Regular exercise will help improve chronic pain symptoms. Stretching, optimum posture techniques, and relaxation practices are also helpful.

?Pacing - Keep a balance on daily activities. If too much is done on a good day, take time off the following day, and rest to avoid bad days.

?Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyle - Eat a balanced diet, limit caffeine and alcohol intake, get plenty of rest, exercise regularly, and do a leisure activity which is enjoyable and fulfilling as a complete FIBRO treatment.

About The Author
Leela Fraser is the the editor for The Fibromyalgia Treatment Center http://www.back-fibromyalgia-pain.com which provides extensive resources on Fibromyalgia Treatment and natural medications.

on 7:53 PM

Progesterone cream, used during hormone replacement, is a natural product from plants. Fermented wild yams and soybeans produce a substance called diosgenin that can be used as a raw product to produce artificial progesterone. This product can be also used to produce synthetic estrogen, cortisones, and other similar hormones. This process can be done only in a laboratory.

Natural progesterone is similar in structure to the hormones produced by the body and is useful if the body does not produce enough progesterone independently. The cream is often used before menopause and can sometimes be used to assist in premature deliveries.

Problems such as PMS, insomnia, depression, and infertility caused due to lack of progesterone in the body can be avoided by using natural progesterone. Since these are caused due to hormonal imbalance in women, it can be rectified using this product. Even men can use this in cases of acute depression and insomnia.

One natural progesterone cream available in today?s market is ?Estro-All?. The product claims to provide relief for most of the menopause related issues. Since this is natural progesterone, it is easily absorbed into the skin with very less side effects.

Natural progesterone can be used when the body no longer produces enough progesterone to keep estrogen in check. This might lead to a variety of problems such as breast cancer, breast cysts, endometrial cancer and such. Natural progesterone can be used to normalize oxygen levels in the body as well as for blood clotting and sugar level in the blood.

Progesterone Cream provides detailed information about progesterone cream, how to use progesterone cream, natural progesterone creams and more. Progesterone Cream is affiliated with Stretch Mark Removal.

on 2:45 PM

If you are thinking why acne affects only you, you are terribly wrong. Acne is the most widespread skin disorder in the world, according to statistics. That?s the reason why experts and laboratories spend a lot of time doing research to determine how acne forms and how it is eliminated. Different treatments, medicines, and products have been produced to help control and eliminate this skin disorder.

In traditional medicine there are about 7 different treatments that are used in prevention and elimination of acne. There are also much different products that use these treatments in one way or another.

Some of these acne treatments that help to reduce or eliminate acne problems are: Accutane, antibiotics, Benzoyl Peroxide, herbal remedies, Retin-A and Salicylic Acid, among others.

Accutane (Isotetinoin) is a powerful drug that is normally prescribed for severe acne in cases where other treatments have failed to work. It is normally taken for a 4-6-month period.

Antibiotics were designed to fight bacteria. These are used to control acne mainly from the inside. Some topical antibiotics (clindamycin) are applied directly to the skin. Other antibiotics (tetracycline) are in pill form.

Benzoyl Peroxide is an anti-bacterial agent that has been used to control acne for many years. It has been proven to work very well in the elimination and prevention of acne.

Herbal Remedies are a relative newcomer to mainstream acne fighting. It is thought that certain herbs are effective in regulating oil levels and other body functions that are cause of acne.

Retin-A (tretinoin) is a combination of retinoic acid and vitamin A acid. It was designed to treat acne, sun damage, and wrinkles. It unplugs follicles and turnovers over dead skin cells.

Salicylic acid helps to slow down the shedding of cells inside the follicle and it is available in many treatments purchasable without a doctor's p The best way to prevent post-inflammatory changes caused by acne is to prevent acne lesions from occurring. This is done by understanding the factors that cause acne and using the appropriate treatments for the different acne types.

Choose with a professional guidance your treatment, go to your dermatologist and explain the symptoms you are developing. Most acne treatments fight the symptoms of acne, while ignoring the biological processes that actually allow oil to build up in the first place.

If your acne has not improved within two to three months, your treatment may need to be changed. In these case you must also visit your dermatologist who, according to the type of acne and providing an updated history of what you are using on your skin or taking internally, will indicate the right new treatment.

Indeed, there are no nippy fixes in treating acne and acne scars. It may involve a lot of processes and products which may vary depending on how you will utilize them or what your doctor will prescribe.

Although, many of these acne treatments (even those that claim not to cause dryness) can still end up agitating your skin and causing more harm than good. Unfortunately, natural acne treatments are often just too weak to give people the results they need. Hopefully, there?s a new natural product that works like a skin regenerating activator.

Natural Bio Skin Care Cream is made with a natural substance gathered from a little creature that nature has endowed with the ability to repair his skin quickly when damaged, and to protect it from environmental hazards and pollution.

Bio Skin Care Cream is a gentler, yet most effective solution. It actually utilizes biological activators of skin growth factors collected from mucins produced by land snails to regenerate their own skin and shell when injured and to protect themselves from the sun and environmental hazards.

Now, for the first time, BIO SKIN CARE CREAM brings you an effective skin renewal product that incorporates natural skin renewal activators to gently exfoliate the worn out cells while at the same time triggering the reproduction of new collagen and elastin cells, resulting in a coordinated biological regulation of the skin renewal process and thus advanced skin rejuvenation.

About The Author
Martha Fitzharris is a free lance journalist for http://www.naturalbioskincare.com a website offering a new biological natural skin care product that activates skin renewal for Strech marks.

on 1:08 PM

There is no quick fix for the flu pandemic

If vaccines and drugs are available too late to stop bird flu, then what can be done to battle H5N1 avian influenza if it spreads to people? Not a lot, experts say. If a pandemic emerges in the coming year, there will not be enough supplies of drugs or vaccines to stop it and basic medical equipment that could slow its spread is also lacking.

Ladies and Gentlemen it is time that you take health care into your own hands. With headlines like you just read, you can see that you and your loved ones are facing one of the greatest challenge that pose a threat to mankind. You cannot rely on our current health care system or your government alone to protect you.

You have been reading about the Spanish Flu, SARS, and Bird Flu for several years now, and, frankly, at this time you should be real concerned. The threat is real, and it is darn right scary if you look at all the information surrounding this alarming problem.

You need to understand what you can do to protect yourself and your family from viruses such as the bird flu, the Spanish flu, SARS and many other flu strains. I don?t know about you, but I am not one to take a chance and think that I will be one of the few lucky ones to obtain the vaccine for this epidemic called the bird flu plague that is being predicted!

Your best defense is the human immune system. More specifically your immune system.

The human immune system is a truly amazing constellation of responses to attacks from outside the body. It has many facets, a number of which can change to optimize the response to these unwanted intrusions. The system is remarkably effective, most of the time.

The key statement is most of the time. You need to understand exactly what you need to do to support your body so that your immune system is as strong as it can possibly be all of the time not most of the time.

When functioning properly, your immune system fights disease-producing organisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. A strong immune system provides you with powerful natural defenses against disease. Conversely, with a weakened immune system you are more vulnerable or more susceptible to colds, flu, and more serious illnesses.

Pollution, drug overload and nutrient-poor diets compromise our immune health. Drugs aren't the answer for immune enhancement. The immune system is not responsive to drugs for healing. Antibiotics used to fight infections actually depress the immune system when used long-term.

The world is filled with disease-causing organisms; and your body is filled with natural defenses to resist them. The key to self-healing is a strong defense system, which protects you from everything from the flu germs to cancer cells.

All disease and illness in their various manifestations are a result of the failure of the immune system.

Antibiotics fight infection, but they don't affect whatever factors caused a weakened the immune system. We are designed to eat natural foods such as fruit, vegetables, seeds, nuts, pure clean water, plant roots, meats that have no antibiotics or growth hormones.

Over the past several years we have been exposed to commercially prepared foods, synthetic foods, foods overloaded with sugar as well as the chemicals these foods contain - chemicals that our bodies simply aren't meant to handle. Today we have more stress in our lives caused by a multitude of factors that is compromising your body's immune system responses.

Our current supply of foods are missing key nutrients that our bodies must have in order to build a strong healthy immune system. ?The alarming fact is that foods (fruits, vegetables, and grains) now being raised on millions of acres of land that no longer contain enough of certain minerals are starving us ? no matter how much of them we eat. No man today can eat enough fruits and vegetables to supply his (or her) system with the minerals he requires for perfect health because his stomach isn't big enough to hold them ? The truth is that our foods vary enormously in value, and some them aren't worth eating as food ? Our physical well-being is more directly dependent upon the minerals we take into our systems than on calories or vitamins or upon the precise proportions of starch, protein or carbohydrates we consume.? The preceding quote is from Senate Document 264, dated 1936

Recent studies suggest that vitamins and minerals delivered to the human body by fruits and vegetables may have declined as much as thirty to forty-percent since 1960.

So what happens when your immune system response is not functioning the way it was designed?

The answer is it will not protect you the way it was meant to!

If you are exposed to a flu like the Spanish Flu, SARS, or the Bird Flu and your immune system is dysfunctional you are more likely then not to contract that flu virus that you were exposed to.

The particular influenza strain that the World Health Organization fears may break out as the next pandemic at any time is called H5N1 bird flu virus. If this occurs as they fear the numbers of people affected would be in the tens of millions.

We have seen it before, where there is a shortage of a specific vaccine. If they do not have a vaccine readily available the result will be disastrous. Just imagine if this occurs, imagine this killer flu spreading around the world instantaneously through person to person in various public places, on airplanes and from city to city. Medical facilities would be overwhelmed.

How can you protect yourself from the bird flu pandemic?

By building a strong immune system. It is like a shield of armor, defending your body and protecting it from harm. That may be easy to say but extremely difficult to do. Your immune system is a network of cells, tissues and organs that work together to defend your body against attacks by foreign invaders.

Good nutrition is essential to developing and keeping your immune system healthy and strong. Nutritional deficiencies may be responsible for chronic immune problems as it is easier for bacteria or viruses to take hold when important nutrients are missing.

Therefore the most important nutrients are the ones that are missing in your diet!

More than 75,000 chemicals are permeating our environment. Chemical exposures can damage the immune system, decreasing the ability to fight off common infections, viruses such as the bird flu and other serious diseases such as cancer.

Things you can do to strengthen your immune system; A well balanced nutritious diet, specific food supplements, good clean purified water, a healthy mental attitude and emotional well-being, a nontoxic environment, avoiding unnecessary antibiotics and vaccines, low stress, and plenty of rest and exercise.

A strong Immune System will help you to fight off all manner of diseases, colds and flu's. Learn how to support your body's natural ability to balance your immune system and restore cellular wellness.

Recent science has determined the significance of a function in the human body called cellular communication. Your cells communicate information through a series of glycoproteins that cover every single cell in your body.

The significance of this discovery called glycobiology is literally how your body?s immune system functions. In other words it is the operating system of the human body.

The immune system is an extraordinarily complex system that relies on an elaborate and dynamic communications network that exists among the many different kinds of immune system cells that patrol your body though the cell surface structures called glycoproteins.

True health cannot be achieved unless your immune system is operating as nature intended. The human immune system needs specific powerful nutrients that supply your body what it needs to exhibit active defenses against infectious diseases such as the bird flu.

You have to understand that the function of cellular communication can not occur properly unless you have an ample supply of nutrients called glyconutrients so that you body can balance your immune system and restore the proper cellular communication function. Just like the other essential nutrients, glyconutrients are not readily available in your current food supply in the amounts that you require to function at an optimal level.

Discover the nutritional application called glyconutrients that supplies nutrients so your body can support the structure that facilitates cellular communication which in turn supports a strong vibrant immune system. There is nothing more important then strengthening your immune system

Kerry Greening is a health and wellness consultant helping you address the underlying causes of disease so you can restore and have dynamic vibrant health.

Learn how you can maximize your immune health and protect yourself from colds and flus


on 12:17 PM

You would probably think that I was writing a lot of old rubbish, but please stay with me, as I can assure you that it is very possible and there are many cases reported worldwide to back up my statement.

A number of medical experts recommend that everyone should drink eight glasses of water per day, which is about two litres. This old chestnut has been pulled out of the fire, so many times over the years, that no one really knows where the recommendation came from in the first place, or what the benefits to your health would be, if you followed this regime.

A survey that was sponsored by large companies that sell bottled water, state that everyone should consume between one and a half, to two litres per day, of Natural Mineral Water, of course, makes you think, when they paid for the survey.

There is a lot of confusion about how much water should be taken daily, and when you look around, you will see numerous people carrying their water bottles of natural mineral water everywhere, probably more ladies than men.

Excessive consumption of water can lead to a condition known as, Hyponatremia, which means ?water intoxication?.

People are encouraged to drink water for detoxing purposes, and yes, it does that very well, it can flush most of the toxins out of your body, this is one of the things that it is meant for, but, when you overdo it, the minerals and sodium levels in the blood can become too low, because they are also being flushed out of your system, this can lead to complications, coma and even death.

This situation has often been seen in Athletes, especially runners when they collapse on the track, this is frequently caused by a low level of sodium in the athletes? blood, and there are instances where it has had serious consequences.

A young man of 23 years of age was rushed to hospital, after going in to a coma, he was diagnosed with Hyponatremia, his sodium levels was dangerously low, and his brain was starting to swell, of course there is not much room available for the brain to swell, because it is surrounded by the hard skull, this causes the brain to be compressed and it does not like this one little bit.

Drinking too much water can flush out the essential nutrients and minerals and if you are drinking mineral water to excess, it can lead to high levels of calcium, magnesium or other minerals that is in the water. Some of these minerals are needed, but not in excess quantities.

A large number of water drinkers think that Natural Mineral Water is better for you health than the ordinary water that is supplied by your local authority.

I have written before about the dangerous concoction of chemicals that is put into the water supply, Fluoride, Chlorine and goodness knows what else, but please consider the following: Bottled water is frequently supplied in plastic bottles, this can give bacteria a very good environment for breeding, the water is sometimes taken from natural springs, no one knows what is in that water. You will think that this natural mineral water would be fresh, but, when you consider that it has been in the warehouse, before being shipped to the supermarket, some of these waters come from various overseas countries, so by the time you purchase the water off the supermarket shelf, it could be anywhere up to two years old. Does that make you think?

My personal way of having water is by the use of a rainwater tank, the rain comes from the sky, falls on the roof picks up some dust and probably some bird droppings on the way to the tank. I therefore recommend that the tank is cleaned out on a timely basis, also that a quality filter is fitted in the supply line and that the water is boiled before drinking I use it for drinking water, tea, coffee and for cooking purposes only. Not all local authorities will allow you to have a rainwater tank, but if they do, I honestly feel that even though this is not perfect, it is the best quality water that you are going to get. In today?s environment.

Look upon drinking water as an essential part of a healthy lifestyle, rather than as something that you have to do every day. Some days you will drink more than on others, if its hot, you will want more, if its cold, you won?t be so keen and it will depend on just how thirsty you feel and how hard you are physically working.

My old Grandmother always said to me. ?Everything in moderation my boy? it is so true about drinking the essential water and almost everything else that you do in this life.

My websites can supply you with all the essential sugars, minerals and vitamins with Glyconutritionals, or Goji (Wolfberry) Juice.

Article by Alfred Jones
Glyconutritionals The essential sugars that heal.
Goji (Wolfberry) Juice, The health secret of the Himalayas

on 10:24 AM

All vitamin supplements available in the market are not the same in terms of quality. Three basic types are available: tablets, capsules, and liquid form. Tablets are the most common, formed by mixing organic or inorganic binders and compressed into tablet form. They have poor absorption rate, often less than 30%. The absorption also depends on the quality of binders used. High-quality vitamin supplements use expensive organic binders, which makes their nutrients get absorbed in the upper intestinal walls straight into the blood stream.

Liquid vitamin supplements, claimed to have high-absorption rates, are available in a wide range of flavors. However, the claim that these are capable of effecting an almost 90% absorption must be regarded cautiously. They cannot be assumed to be better than tablets, since faster absorption is not the key issue, but better assimilation and optimum utilization of the nutrient for the body?s well being. Vitamins, when suspended or dissolved in a fluid, can become quite unstable. They cannot carry the enzymes in a usable form for more than a few hours. Hence, the nutrients get destroyed when they reach the stomach acids before they reach the upper intestine, where the highest absorption occurs. The same enzyme can be a useful, stable agent in a high-quality tablet vitamin supplement. However, people who have trouble with swallowing, as well as those for whom absorption of solids is difficult, have been observed to get good results with vitamin supplements in their liquid forms.

Natural foods are the best source of vitamins and nutrients, which work wonders for the body in a holistic manner. For example, natural vitamin E is clinically proven to be far more effective than synthetic vitamin E. Fortunately for the consumer, the nutraceutical industry has taken note of this and begun encapsuling and packaging nature?s best vitamins and nutrients, retaining their natural forms and making them available to the discerning vitamin seeker without the perils of chemicals, binding agents, and preservatives.

Vitamin Supplements provides detailed information on Vitamin Supplements, Natural Vitamin Supplements, Liquid Vitamin Supplements, Best Vitamin Supplements and more. Vitamin Supplements is affiliated with Multi Vitamins.

on 4:41 PM

Heartburn is caused by the build up of acids within the stomach, usually caused by specific foods that will then be regurgitated up into the esophagus. It causes discomfort in the chest area, near the breast bone. The pain rises into the neck area and into the throat.

In its worst cases, it?s burning and terribly painful. In some rare cases, though, the damage can be enough to cause cancerous cells to develop in this area. Others will suffer from painful inflammations that may also need their own treatment.

So, it?s essential to treat it well and even to find out how to prevent it.

Prevention is the best course

Out of every 100 patients that suffer from heartburn, 95 of them will know what is causing their heartburn before they get to their doctor. If you know what the cause of your heartburn, you cab stop it from hurting and destroying your quality of life. But, if you do not, you can easily learn about it.

Foods are the main trigger. Keep that in mind.

To find out which food, keep a journal of what you eat for several days. Yet, the longer you keep it, the better. Mark down the days when you get heartburn. Check out the kind of foods that you eat. Try to avoid them.

Yes, it?s as easy as that.

Some Important Treatment Options

One of the most common types of medications for heartburn is those that are called antacids. They work for about 25% of the people that take them. This may seem like a low number.

But these medications are ideal for use when you are experiencing lower levels of intensity in the heartburn. They are also a good choice for those that do not experience heartburn all of the time. These are usually purchased as over the counter medications and are made by many different distributors.

If those medications can?t help, the best thing to do is visit your doctor. Your doctor will prescribe medications that can actually turn off the acid producing pumps in your stomach. They will stop the heartburn from happening.

Take It Seriously

Many of those that are suffering from heartburn right now are actually experiencing more than just a little discomfort.

Chronic heartburn is a real problem. It can actually cause a lot of damage to your body?s internal organs. If you have them often, you might be harming your esophagus. Only your doctor can tell you the damage level.

If you have never had heartburn but are feeling it now for the first time and you are over the age of 40, you should contact your doctor right away.

If you have heartburn more than three times a week, you should seek get a professional help.

About the author: Riana Lance has a deep concern on health. That brings her to create essential tips on how to become healthier. Get her inspirational e-mail guides on Heartburn Treatments & Preventions at http://www.healthifica.com/reports/heartburn.php Also, grasp her other motivational health tips at http://www.healthifica.com, a worth-to-visit daily updated blog.

on 10:13 PM

Constipation occurs when waste material moves through the bowel too slowly. It is characterized as infrequent bowel movements and the passage of hard and painful stools.

Many people do not realize that constipation can cause body odor. The body releases toxins through emptying of the bowels. When your bowels are ?backed up,? the toxins may be released through the skin, thereby causing body odor. Remember the last time your toilet got backed up? I?m sure the smell wasn?t pleasant.

Other symptoms associated with constipation

  • Low abdominal pain
  • Flatulence and gas
  • Bad breath
  • Sallow skin
  • Vomiting
  • Fever

The best solution to eliminating constipation is a preventive regime. Constipation is prevented by exercise, high fiber diet and drinking lots of water. More aggressive but still safe and natural methods are enemas, stool softeners and dietary supplements.

Tap Water Enema

A very effective cleansing enema is a tap water enema. Tap water stimulates bowel activity through irritation of the lower bowel. Tap water is commonly used for adults and older children but should not be used for infants because of the danger of electrolyte imbalance. Seek the advice of your physician before administering a tap water enema to a child.

In order to use a tap water enema, you will need an enema bag kit. This can be purchased from your local pharmacy. Fill the bag with lukewarm tap water. Add a few shavings of a bar of white soap into the bag. Soap suds stimulate bowel activity. The soap should not have been previously used to prevent unwanted bacteria from entering the rectum. Shake the bag mixture, attach the tube that comes with the kit and insert into the rectum according to the kit?s instructions. Bowel movement should start within a matter of minutes.

Dietary Supplements

Dietary Supplements that aid in the digestion and cleansing of bowels are:

  • Garlic destroys harmful bacteria in the colon.
  • Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids has a cleansing and healing effect.
  • Chlorophyll Liquid eliminates toxins and bad breath.
  • Multienzyme Complex aids digestion.
  • Vitamin E helps heal the colon.
  • Aloe Vera heals and cleans the digestive tract and softens stools when

    taken internally.

  • Ginger stimulates the digestive system and helps food pass through the


Kaaryn Walker is an contributing editor of http://www.KidsHygieneAndHealth.com, a website offering causes, remedies and support about childhood hygiene and health related issues.

on 2:12 PM

For some people, increasing testosterone by supplementing the body?s depreciated blood level with natural testosterone is preferable to increasing testosterone using synthetic testosterone.

To increase testosterone naturally is viewed by many as a much safer route over using synthetic testosterone.

Although potential side effects exist with almost every means to boost testosterone this does not mean the majority of people will suffer such side effects. We will first discuss prescriptions and then get into non-prescription methods.

As a side note, there are people who refer to some of these prescription methods as natural whereas other people believe natural testosterone has to come from such things as diet, herbs, and non-prescription means to get the body to manufacture more of its own testosterone.

Whatever you happen to believe, we will discuss all of these methods briefly in this article.

Using transdermal systems is now one of the most highly regarded ways to increase testosterone.

Transdermal patches that can be applied to areas of the skin is considered an effective approach to increase testosterone hormone. This is because as much as 92% of men tested for increasing testosterone this way received an adequate level of the hormone.

There are currently two types of patches on the market for increasing testosterone. One is applied to a shaved area of the scrotum. Testoderm is an example of this. The other way to use a patch is to stick it on the torso or appendages. Androderm is an example of this kind of testosterone.

Androderm is applied to the abdomen, lower back, thigh, or upper arm. For greatest effectiveness it should be applied at the same time every evening between 8 p.m. and midnight.

A scrotal patch is defined as non-permeable. Using Androderm to increase testosterone naturally is considered permeable. In effect, this consists of increasing testosterone by having the body absorb the testosterone into the bloodstream through the skin.

Another transdermal way of increasing testosterone is through the use of a testosterone cream. Testosterone cream is becoming more and more popular because it does not irritate the skin as much as patches or the other transdermal testosterone form, testosterone gel.

Testosterone cream is applied once every 24 hours increasing testosterone also through releasing testosterone into the bloodstream. This form of natural testosterone can be spread on different areas of the body including the upper arms, shoulders, thighs, and stomach area. Testosterone cream can only be used in eight week intervals before a break is required.

Transdermal gels are additional forms of testosterone delivery. To increase testosterone using gels apply once daily to the clean dry skin of the upper arms or abdomen. When increasing testosterone with gels it is important to allow them to dry before getting dressed. This form of testosterone must be spread on the body at least six hours before bathing or swimming.

A way to increasing testosterone that is not transdermal is to use injections of testosterone into the skin. This manner of increasing testosterone has a disadvantage: the blood level of testosterone varies with time. The way to deal with this is to administer the shots every two weeks to increase testosterone in as uniform a manner as possible.

Yet another method to increasing testosterone consists of implanting pellets under the skin. These pellets discharge constant time released dosages of natural testosterone increasing testosterone for a period of six months before having to be replaced. This form of boosting testosterone has the advantage of not needing to be fussed over on a daily basis.

An interesting form of boosting testosterone as an indirect method to increase testosterone naturally consists of using an herb called tribulus terrestris

Tribulus terristis has a long history of being used by many different cultures to treat sexual disorders. It does so by increasing a lesser sex hormone known as lutenizing hormone. Lutenizing hormone stimulates the pituitary gland to produce testosterone.

To increase testosterone naturally by using this method takes advantage of the body?s own physiological capacity for increasing testosterone. Many athletes and bodybuilders now use tribulus terrestris as a legal way to boost their testosterone levels without having to resort to illegal steroids.

Lastly is diet. Eating certain foods helps the body to increase testosteorne naturally. Some of the best foods to eat are oysters, eggs, beef, garlic, and broccoli.

Learn more about how to increase testosterone naturally and discover a natural testosterone boosting product with tribulus terrestris at http://www.testosterone-booster-guide.com

on 7:04 PM

Wheatgrass is a highly effective remedy for anal fissure.(AF)

An anal fissure is a split in the wall of the outer end of the anal canal, most often at the posterior or back side of the anus.

The main symptoms of AF are:

Pain and/or
Bleeding after or during a bowel movement.
The pain can often be severe and debilitating,
but blood loss is usually minor.

AF can take days or weeks to heal
spontaneously, but some can persist for many
years causing the patient substantial distress
and discomfort.

I have been treating anal fissure successfully with a wheatgrass-based cream since 1995. My success rate is greater than 85 percent. One of my patients suffered for 21 years and was relieved of her symptoms just two weeks after commencing wheatgrass therapy. Many others have avoided expensive surgery because wheatgrass healed their fissure.

Compared with standard pharmaceuticals, wheatgrass can lead to rapid resolution of symptoms and in time usually heals the fissure as well. Added benefits include absence of side effects and low cost.

I use a wheatgrass extract in a cream base and get the patient to apply a small amount just inside the anal canal twice daily.

Why wheatgrass works so well is a mystery, but it clearly contains a biological active(s) with powerful healing properties. Also, it is not clearly understood how fissures develop in the first place. I have rather different views to the standard teaching of the cause and treatment of anal fissure.

View many testimonials illustrating wheatgrass healing of anal fissure at http://www.drwheatgrass.com.au/testimonials/af/index.php

Please note: If you notice blood loss when you go to the toilet, and the cause has not been diagnosed, you should see your doctor immediately.

Dr. Chris Reynolds.
Born 1941. Perth, Western Australia.

Educated at Scotch College and John Curtin Senior High School. In 1957, joined British mercantile marine and travelled the world for seven years as a navigating officer before entering medical school at the University of Western Australia.

Graduated M.B.,B.S. (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) 1973. Spent most of professional career as a general practitioner in Perth and Melbourne except for four years working with refugees in Hong Kong and a year in Moscow with the International Organisation for Migration.

Currently works at a general practice for Japanese patients in Melbourne, Australia.

Special interests: dermatology, thalassemia and the immunomodulatory and therapeutic properties of wheatgrass.

on 12:45 PM

It is easy to think my skin looks fine, I'll worry about it when I am older, but that is not a sound way to view the health of your skin. A proactive skin care approach is where you adopt a skin care regime to prevent premature aging of your skin before it starts, rather than having to 'fix' problems later.

If you think about it, why should you treat your skin any different from some other valuable asset like your car? Why do you get the car serviced? It is just because you want to spend some money, or is it because you need it and do not want expensive repair bills?

A proactive skin care approach is no different and investing in the health of your skin is the same as investing in health insurance, care maintenance, house insurance, etc. We brush our teeth several time as day, why? ? not because they have holes in them, but we want to prevent the holes and avoid expensive trips to the dentist...

We take our skin very much for granted and spend little time thinking about it. Maybe because of the many Skin Cancer Ad Campaigns, we will apply sunscreen lotion when going outside, but beyond that, we don?t seem to spend much time looking after our skin.

Similarly, a proactive skin care approach takes the quality of skin care products into consideration, however to often we buy skin care by smell and how good the packaging looks. Neither of which guarantees a quality product. On the contrary, often the expensive, good looking products contain artificial perfumes, synthetic essential oils, chemical emollients, preservatives, and many other ingredients that have been shown to be toxic if used over a long period of time.

Natural Skin Care Products are the only way to approach your skin care regime. Natural products, not just natural ingredients that have been added to an otherwise non-natural base, are a great way to take a proactive step towards promoting and maintaining healthy skin.

In addition to taking a proactive skin care approach, you should also consider doing the same with your diet. Foods that can benefit the skin will also benefit other parts of your body and promote healthy body tissues.

Similarly, exercise and other physical activity will promote blood circulation to the outer layers of your skin, providing it with nutrients and oxygen that will help in promoting the health of your skin.

So, a proactive skin care approach while there is nothing wrong with your skin is the best way to prevent problems from occurring later on.

Danny Siegenthaler is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and together with his wife Susan, a medical herbalist and Aromatherapist, they have created Natural Skin Care Products by Wildcrafted Herbal Products to share their 40 years of combined expertise with you.

Join our Natural Skin Care Newsletter ? it?s fun, free and Informative and you receive a free eBook on natural skin care.
? Wildcrafted Herbal Products 2004 - 2005

on 8:54 PM

Acne is a skin condition that has plagued teenagers and adults for centuries, and there are a lot of myths about what causes acne and how to cure it. The fact is we still don?t know exactly why some people suffer from acne and others don?t.

Basically, acne starts and pimples form because sebum gets blocked in the pores of your skin and bacteria begins to grow. Science doesn?t yet have a definite answer when it comes to acne causes, but several myths relate to eating junk food, stress, cosmetics, and exercise. Each of these things may be an acne cause, but not all doctors agree. The general consensus is that the strongest cause of acne is genetic, although these other factors may contribute to acne as well.

Adult Acne and Teenage Acne

Acne in teenagers is caused by the changes in hormone levels that occur as teens enter puberty. Not all adolescents experience teenage acne as they enter puberty, but many do. Most non-prescription acne products use ad campaigns that target teens, because teenage acne tends to have a great psychological impact on adolescents.

Adult acne is somewhat different, because it isn?t typically caused by hormonal changes. However, some women suffer from acne due to higher than normal levels of testosterone. Usually, adult acne is related to stress and diet, although these are not conclusive causes.

Natural and Alternative Acne Solutions

Consumers are always clamoring for natural solutions to medical problems, and acne natural treatments are no exception. There have been many suggested natural remedies used for acne treatment over the years, but recently some alternative methods have proved somewhat successful.

Some recent studies, for instance, have shown that acupuncture may help treat acne. Acupuncturists usually try to treat the root problems in the body, and acne happens to be a symptom caused by other factors such as hormonal imbalances. This why your acupuncturist may suggest a change in diet or some form of stress relief.

Tea tree oil has acquired a good reputation as a natural acne treatment too. As an acne solution, it helps kill the bacteria and cut down the amount of inflammation and redness on the skin. In some cases using tea tree oil can help traditional acne products penetrate deeper as well.

Home Acne Products

The most common home acne product available is benzoyl peroxide. This is the active ingredient in many acne treatments including Clearasil, ABY, AcneControl, and Proactiv Solution. It works by killing the bacteria that causes acne, and it also has a mild peeling effect which can reduce breakout and inflammation. Some sources say the bacteria can actually build up a resistance to benzoyl peroxide, making it less effective the longer you use it. Also, beware that a small percentage of people are allergic to benzoyl peroxide, and if you experience any excessive skin irritation when using it, you should try a different acne product.

Salicylic Acid is another common acne treatment that is the active ingredient in many home acne products. It works by unclogging the pores of your skin and works best when used in conjunction with an antibacterial agent like benzoyl peroxide. Some products such as Clearasil 3-in1, Neutrogena, and Proactiv Solution Deep Cleansing Wash use salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide together.

A trip through the Health and Beauty section of most grocers will supply you with plenty of options for acne products that contain these ingredients. The best acne solution may be to develop a regimen that cleans your skin, unclogs your pores, and kills acne causing bacteria. Choose your acne products based on this daily regimen.

Martin Stephens is a professional author and speaker who is constantly researching new treatment methods for acne. Part 2 of this article is available at http://acne-treatment-steps.com Part 2 discusses natural health treatments

on 5:46 PM

I started making facial masks after reading several books on natural cosmetics. Common ingredients used in home made facials are eggs, lemon, milk, honey, cucumber, tomato, essential oils and lots more fruits, herbs and other ingredients.

The assumption I had was that home made cosmetics, being all natural and preservative free were much safer than the commercial masks you found in stores. A wrong assumption. You know the saying. Never assume anything. It makes an ASS of U and ME. Did you know some of the deadliest poisons on earth are 100% natural?

There are complaints about preservatives irritating the skin and all that. That may be true especially for a person with very sensitive skin. But preservatives actually make cosmetics safe to use. Preservatives kill or at very least, inhibit the bacteria, mold, viruses and nasty things that would otherwise thrive in the cosmetics we use. Commercial preparations usually contain some preservative or other to make these products safe for use. Some of the very high end cosmetic formulations are packed in sterile capsules to do away with or at least, minimimize, the need for preservatives.

If you make your own skin care for use later in the week, chances are, unless you are anal about sterilizing everything and freezing every batch once it has cooled, thawing it only when you are going to use it, and keeping your cosmetics away from the raw meat in the freezer, eventually, you could find yourself using contaminated home made cosmetics, which could lead to a skin irritation.

I used to make my own skin care but found all the precautions I had to take such a hassle, now I buy mine off the shelves.

Even if you make your facial products for immediate use, you have to be careful about using only the freshest ingredients. A mouldy fruit or anything that is spoilt can lead to disastrous results on your skin.

Then there is the safety of the ingredients used in your skincare products.

I once told a pharmacist about the lemon remedy I was using on my pimples. She was horrified. Lemons are highly acidic. Lemon juice is pH 2. Sulphuric acid is pH 1. Lemons can cause a nasty acid burn if you are not careful.

We had a discussion about this. She told me about a customer who showed up with an acid burn. Turns out, she had a sunburn. Back in Australia, she would soothe that sunburn by rubbing cut cucumber over her skin. The juices would ease the sunburn. This time around, she was unlucky. The cucumber she used was more acidic than the ones she was used to and she ended up with a really nasty acid burn.

Though cucumber is soothing, cucumber contains Alpha Hydroxy Acids as do most fruit and some of the other ingredients used in homemade beauty recipes.

You see, in home made skin care, the exact chemical makeup of the ingredients you use may vary, leading to unpleasant results if you are unfortunate. That is why, everytime you make any facial mask, test it on the inside of your wrist first, before you let that mask touch your face.

I was lucky. The lemon facial I did helped clear my skin by killing the bacteria, without burning my skin. The pharmacist said I was fool hardy. As did my cousin who has been making her own beauty products for years already.

Lemon can thin the skin. It is so acidic. The pharmacist thought the other things, like the almond meal I mixed with the lemon juice helped neutralize the extreme acidity. Also, when I used freshly squeezed lemon juice directly on my face, I would dilute it with water first.

Yet the books I read with home made beauty recipes often include lemon in their recipes. After all, lemon has lightening properties. Lemon juice is often used to lighten freckles. Lemon was even recommended in a book by a former model, for use as a toner.

Not all ingredients are that dangerous though. Oats is an excellent ingredient for use in soothing facials. That was recommended to me by a doctor. For my toddler's rash. Cooked oats in a bag in the bath water is a home remedy to soothe itchy skin. Here is a facial that uses oats and rose water. http://www.womanht.com/facials/RoseOatsFacial.htm

A home made face mask can be as simple as putting some mash fruit your face. Fruity facials tried and tested outlines such experiments with fruit.

Different skin types require different ingredients. Dry skin can use richer, nourishing ingredients. Really dry skin would love the moisturizing effect of sweet almond oil or olive oil. Oily skin, on the other hand would break out in pimples if you try massaging these oils on your face. What works for your best friend may be disastrous on you.

The easiest thing to do nowadays is to simply buy a great mask for your skin type off the shelf for your home facial. I use commercial masks these days after some disastrous experiments trying to find new ingredients for new home made facial masks for my site. The successful facials were published with at http://www.womanht.com/facials/.

The writer is the writer of the articles in Home Made Facials.

on 2:33 PM

Research is always ongoing into new and better medications for arthritis which is a very good thing. But where is all this leading us?

Of course we need effective pain medication for arthritis to enable sufferers to live normal lives. But are all these expensive medications controlling the disease or simply masking the symptoms?

Here?s a ?quick and dirty? lowdown on what?s currently available both ?over the counter? (OTC) and on prescription only.

For mild cases of arthritis -

Some milder cases of arthritis never make it into the doctor?s surgery. Indeed the sufferer might not even be aware that they are suffering from arthritis at all. They may be feeling a few ?aches and pains? which they put down to old age or even the cold damp weather.

That may be all well and good, but even OTC medications can be dangerous if taken over a long period of time. The concept of ?more is better? can also happen if the pain gradually becomes worse. This can lead to serious side effects.

OTC medications include aspirin and ibuprofen. These medications can cause intestinal bleeding and kidney damage in large doses. Aspirin also destroys vitamin C in the body leading to lower immunity.

For More Advanced Arthritis-

By this stage most people have consulted their doctor. Prescription medication at this stage normally consists of the Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDS. These do target the pain and inflammation of arthritis symptoms but have a range of side effects including stomach upset, abdominal pain, and ulcers.

People with high blood pressure, those with kidney problems and especially people who have heart problems are especially at risk with NSAIDS.

Enter the COX-2 inhibitors. These have been designed for people whose stomach problems cannot tolerate the above. Unfortunately the risks remain for chest pain, heart attack and stroke victims.

For Advanced Arthritis-

For those suffering extreme pain and swelling the medical profession brings out the heavy artillery - Corticosteroids. These drugs contain man made cortisone and can be injected directly into the affected joints or taken orally.

Long term use of these can produce sleep problems, weight gain, osteoporosis and loss of immunity. Also available to those for whom nothing else seems to work are Biologic Response Modifiers (Biologics). Biologics are derived from live sources, plants and animals and are not manufactured chemically. They are mainly used for sufferers of Rheumatoid Arthritis and are given intravenously or by injection. They can?t be taken in tablet form.

Biologics suppress the immune system which leaves people prone to infections. They are also very expensive and can?t be stored without freezing.

Also available mainly to Rheumatoid Arthritis sufferers are Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDS) These work by stopping the immune system from attacking the joints. DMARDS may take up to three months to reduce symptoms but they do help to stop joint damage even though they can?t repair any previous damage.

Although these drugs are a boon to many, they work mainly at masking the symptoms of arthritis and can?t reverse the damage already caused. Most people thinks this is impossible, it isn?t!

Natural treatments for arthritis do exist and can significantly stop some cases of arthritis, relieve pain and inflammation and in some cases, reverse joint damage.

Definitely worth a try!

Copyright 2005 Wendy Owen

Find out about the healthy way to treat osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout and fibromylagia. Visit: http://www.natural-arthritis-medication.com and sign up for our 6 part course. Wendy Owen is a health researcher and author.

on 2:39 PM

An acid reflux diet typically restricts the intake of certain foods that are known to increase stomach acid. Some people even claim that there are foods that ?cure? the syndrome.

You can currently find for sale acid reflux diet books, alongside other popular diets and cookbooks. One author states that apples ?cured? his acid reflux. He is now selling a report in which he details ?three natural remedies? for acid reflux.

These are supposed to be foods that cured his acid reflux. He does admit, however, that they may not work for everyone. In our opinion, it may be more effective in the long run to design your own acid reflux diet, using a food and symptoms diary to record what foods seem to trigger symptoms.

Natural remedies for acid reflux include changing the foods you commonly eat and even when you eat, how much you eat, and in what circumstances you eat. Such changes, believe it or not, may be effective for reducing symptoms of acid reflux.

Most doctors and other healthcare professionals recommend that in order to control symptoms, an acid reflux diet should exclude certain foods that are known to increase stomach acid. Tomatoes and citrus fruits, for example, are highly acidic. So is chocolate. And fried or fatty foods can also increase stomach acid and worsen symptoms.

You may think that an acid reflux diet must be bland, but while some spices trigger symptoms, some commonly used cooking herbs are considered natural remedies for acid reflux.

Changing from garlic and chili powder to ginger, fennel seed and turmeric may help. Ginger, fennel seed and turmeric were used in traditional medicine to treat indigestion and heartburn. Modern herbalists have combined some of these ?herbs for heartburn? to create natural remedies for acid reflux.

In addition to following an acid reflux diet that limits highly acidic foods, experts say that eating less than three hours before bedtime increases the likelihood that you will have nighttime symptoms.

This is because lying down after eating allows gravity to work against you and makes it easier for stomach acid to creep up into the esophagus. Knowing this, some companies sell wedge-type pillows calling them natural remedies for acid reflux, but some doctors who specialize in treating the syndrome maintain that these pillows may actually worsen symptoms by ?folding? the stomach.

These doctors recommend raising the head of the bed (with blocks, for example) 6 inches higher than the foot of the bed, so that gravity can still help keep acid in your stomach, without ?folding? and creating extra pressure on the stomach.

If it isn?t what you eat or when you eat, it could be how much you eat. An effective acid reflux diet plan may include several small meals every few hours throughout the day, rather than one or two large meals. The more food that is in the stomach, the more likely that acid will reflux.

Another one of the often suggested natural remedies for acid reflux is simply losing some weight. Extra pounds put extra pressure on the stomach and more acid creeps up. At night, this can lead to sleep disturbances, coughing, snoring and even sleep apnea.

Following an acid reflux diet plan that is low in fatty and fried foods and calls for meals every couple of hours is not only one of the effective natural remedies for acid reflux, but it could help you lose weight since it primes the metabolism.

Doctors typically recommend antacids or proton pump inhibitors, at least for short-term use, to prevent or neutralize stomach acid. There are a number of herbal and botanical products that may do the some thing.

For example, mangosteen juice (a health drink), taken before meals, effectively dilutes stomach acid and may be considered one of the natural remedies for acid reflux. An acid reflux diet alone may not be enough. If not treated, acid reflux can lead to damage of the esophageal lining, which can lead to esophageal cancer.

Components of the mangosteen have been shown to reduce inflammation and actually prevent the formation of cancerous tumors in laboratory studies. Tell your doctor about which acid reflux diet and what natural remedies for acid reflux you are using and get regular check-ups, even if your symptoms seem to be under control.

Mike Leuthen is chief editor of http://www.restore-your-health.com. Visit us to learn more about natural remedies for acid reflux.

on 1:08 AM

I would like to introduce you to an incredible new weight loss product: Your brain?

I discovered this technique for weight loss many, many years ago from a great New Thought teacher. When I posted it on a business forum last year, a member publicly thanked me for her weight loss a short time later.

I hope some of you will accept this and give it a try also.

To lose weight, here is a technique to use. As you drop off to sleep, repeat over and over again to your subconscious mind, your ideal weight (or your goal weight). For example, just repeat as you fall asleep, when your mind is most receptive to suggestion: 140 pounds?140 pounds?140 pounds.? In the waking state, an affirmation might be: I weigh 140 pounds in divine order or something similar. You will be conditioning your subconscious mind to accept your goal weight and it will compulsively guide you to do everything necessary to accomplish that result.

Am I qualified to make such a claim about this technique? I will let you decide. The photos you see of me that appear on my website were taken within the past couple of years and with some fluctuation, I have maintained this body for most of my life. I am healthy, trim, fit and look 20 years younger than my years. However, I come from a fat family. My mother wasn't overweight...she was obese, and when she died in the 80s, she was just a few years older than I am now. I won't give details about my younger sister - she's gone, too. And don't think I can't gain weight easily. Oh, yes I can, but my mind won't let me. It has been conditioned too well to keep me fit and healthy. I don't think about what I have to do to maintain that, it does it for me - I lift weights, I eat healthy foods and can indulge in fattening foods sporadically without repercussion. Automatic pilot. Will this technique work for you? I say?what have you got to LOSE? Body back guarantee.

The whole point of the subconscious conditioning is to bring our consciousness to the point of acceptance that we already are where we want to be. Then the subconscious is compulsive and will intuitively guide us to the right foods, exercise, whatever it takes to fulfill that vision. But we must give the mind the right message.

The subconscious mind technique does not replace your healthy eating habits. It creates them! That's the whole idea. The subconscious is the seat of habit. And of intuition. With the right mindset, your healthy eating habits will become just that - healthy habits - instead of the compulsively unhealthy ones.

When the imagination and the will are in conflict, the imagination always wins. - Emile Coue

This is not a diet. This is the natural way we are created to use our minds - constructively and in alignment with Universal laws.

So again, we use our minds to accept the idea, thought and picture of a fit, healthy person at his/her ideal weight. Once that idea is instilled in the mind, you will automatically be guided and directed to all that is necessary for you to fulfill that idea. You will just intuitively want the right foods and pass on the wrong ones. You will adopt the proper exercise habits. You will be guided to the right coach or nutritional information to manifest your subconscious idea. It must happen because that is the law - the nature of mind. Mind will always create according to the seed thought.

Speaking of exercise?in my opinion, one of the greatest exercises in the world for getting the metabolism in gear is putting on good cushiony running shoes, going outside and just walking fast -- a couple of miles of fast walking. Weight lifting is fantastic for replacing fat with muscle, and for heart and bones, especially for women. But I understand not everyone is into or ready to lift weights. And we still need that aerobic workout. So get outside and start walking. That's an addiction you will love to have. When you start releasing those endorphins, the whole world looks better.

Important Footnote:

If you have a lot of weight to lose, your subconscious mind may not be able to accept that you can be your ideal weight all at once. The important thing here is to not set up resistance or an argument in the subconscious. So the following is a good method to use to prevent this.

Pick a weight that you feel that you can accept at this time, one that feels believable. For example, if you now weight 180 pounds and your ideal weight is120, that's a very big leap of faith to accept. So you might use 150 pounds as the target number that you suggest to your subconscious mind as you fall asleep. That is more believable at this point in time and will be more readily accepted by the mind. When you do reach your goal of 150 pounds, you can then change your input to 120 pounds. You may also do this if you have to lose a lesser amount of weight.

The important thing to remember is that the information that is most believable will produce the fastest and greatest results. This same idea also applies to financial prosperity, but I will save that for another time. By the way, I have learned many of these things through brilliant new thought teachers, far ahead of their time. It is time for valuable esoteric knowledge to become mainstream. You can become your own case study in the meantime.

How's this for a marketing idea: Mental weight loss clinics called Brain Watchers International.? :)

? Copyright 2003, 2004 Marilyn Jenett

Marilyn Jenett, an accomplished business owner in the corporate arena, founded the Feel Free to Prosper program to mentor and teach others to become aligned with Universal laws and accept their right to prosper. Her students, from around the globe and from all walks of life, are enjoying remarkable success using her lessons and participating in her telephone group sessions. For more information, check out her website at www.FeelFreetoProsper.com.

You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print as long as the bylines, URL and copyright are included.? Please print the article in its entirety, unchanged and send a copy of the publication to marilyn@feelfreetoprosper.com.

on 2:10 AM

Fats provide a concentrated store of energy in the body. Weight for weight they provide twice as much energy as do either carbohydrates or proteins. If you eat too much of any of these three basic food materials your body can store the surplus as fat. A lot has been said about the advantages of vegetable fats over animal fats. This is to over-simplify the problem.

The great change in the balance and quantity of fats in our diet this century has been away from the polyunsaturated fats and towards the hard or saturated fats. Usually animal fats and dairy fats are saturated. We are eating too much fat of all kinds and should reduce the total quantity we consume. After reducing the total quantity of fat we should reduce the saturated fat further and replace this with polyunsaturated fats.

These are found in grains and cereals especially Soya, maize or corn, sunflower, linseed, sesame and safflower. Some vegetable fats are quite saturated as the animal variety; examples of these, which should be taken only in moderation, are coconut and palm oils. There is much evidence, and the majority of nutritionists would support the view, that too much fat in the diet, especially if it is saturated, increases the chance of arteriosclerosis and heart attack.

In comparison, a moderate consumption of the polyunsaturated fats together with some saturated positively reduces the amount of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood and reduces the occurrence of thickening of the arteries. To increase your intake of polyunsaturated fats you can use soft margarine made with vegetable oils, and cook in the best oils such as corn or sunflower. If you eat meat, cut off the fat, which is saturated. Remember too, that cocoa butter is very saturated, so a lot of chocolate is not a good idea.

Kevin Pederson has been managing a number of natural home remedies websites which have information on home based natural cures and remedies for some of the most common illnesses and health problems .

on 2:41 AM

How You Can Lower Your Cholesterol and Add Years to Your Life?Naturally

In a recent study; our natural product was proven to lower LDL or ?bad? cholesterol for participants with high LDL levels by an astounding 31%. Some participants reported decreases of up to 52%! Overall reductions, including those participants with fair or better LDL levels averaged over 20%.

What is equally amazing is that the average increase of HDL ?good? cholesterol in those participants with low HDL levels was 29%, with some achieving increases of up to 85%! Overall increases for those with normal HDL levels were 25%. (Keep in mind that statin drugs have little or no effect on good cholesterol.).

Your results may be dramatically enhanced if you take our natural product in combination with a healthy diet and exercise.

4 Different Ways?Naturally! We provide a natural supplement that combines all four of the known approaches to lowering harmful cholesterol. This proprietary comprehensive approach:
1. Helps to Block Re-absorption of Cholesterol in the Intestinal Tract
2. Helps to Block Absorption of Cholesterol Which Comes Directly From Food
3. Reduces the Cholesterol Produced by the Liver
4. Enhances Enzymatic Breakdown and Removal of LDL Cholesterol

The Sad Facts Are:

By the time you finish reading this paragraph, 1 in 3 Adults will die from Cardiovascular Disease. Someone in the United States will die from cardiovascular disease. In fact, by the end of the day, cardiovascular disease will kill 3,500 Americans.

What?s more, by the end of the year, more than 1.3 million people will die with cardiovascular disease as the underlying or contributing cause of death. Imagine the entire population of a city the size of Philadelphia or Phoenix dying every year from cardiovascular disease.

This isn?t recent news. For the last one hundred years, cardiovascular disease has been the number one killer in America. Chances are good that if you have two best friends, one of the three of you will die from this disease.

Unfortunately, in many cases the first indication that there?s a problem with your cardiovascular system is death.

The Dangers of the Traditional Medical Approach to Lowering Cholesterol

The medical community typically treats the problem of high cholesterol by prescribing drugs called statins. Statin drugs work by slowing the body?s production of cholesterol. However, there?s a downside to statins.

Because statins are a synthetic drug (not natural), they may produce dangerous side effects. In fact, unknown to the public and even most doctors, the side effects of statin drugs can be life threatening.

The Statin Effects Study, conducted by the University of California, San Diego, warns that statin side effects include possible liver and muscle damage?the most common and well known side effects.

However, this study also lists lesser known side effects of statins:
? Changes in memory, attention, or concentration
? Depression and irritability
? Pain
? Peripheral neuropathy (tingling and numbness or burning pain)
? Other side effects: Sleep problems, sexual dysfunction, fatigue, dizziness and a sense of detachment are also reported with these drugs. Additionally, people have mentioned experiencing swelling, shortness of breath, vision changes, changes in temperature regulation, weight change, hunger, breast enlargement, blood sugar changes, dry skin, rashes, blood pressure changes, nausea, upset stomach, bleeding, and ringing in ears or other noises.

The Solution

Attention to diet, exercise, weight control, andmanagement of stress are imperative. An active,preventive lifestyle remains the primary force in theprevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease. Itall comes down to you and your personal choices.

There?s a direct undeniable relationship between thecholesterol levels in your body and the chances thatyou?ll develop cardiovascular disease. In fact, it couldbe said that high cholesterol is cardiovascular disease.

You have a choice today to start taking a natural supplement That may be the biggest factor in determining the quality and quantity of your life.

To Learn more about our Natural Solutions you can contact me at: Ron.th@verizon.net

on 12:50 AM

An Intimate Approach to Beauty

In this article we return to a time when beauty was defined in natural terms. An almost time-forgotten sensual approach to self-care, with simple rituals that will pamper you from the inside out. Where beauty was within every woman and man?s reach and where sometimes, just sometimes less is more.

Dare to be Bare

From time to time leave your skin bare. No make-up, foundations or facial care products that contain chemicals. Know your Skin

Maintaining your skin's moisture balance is essential for overall skin health. However, generally, moisturizers do not replace the essential water needed in skin cells. It is therefore important to leave your skin damp to help your moisturizer or cream penetrate deeper into your skin.

If your skin is oily, you may discover that you do not even need a moisturizer. Even acne prone individuals should not over-wash their skin. Dry skin can actually make the condition worse.

Furthermore, most cleansers and toners with alcohol tend to dry the skin, creating the sensation of needing a moisturizer.

Something as simple as drinking more water will help your skin, nails, your whole well being feel better. All natural, soaps should also be an important element in your skin care regime. These handcrafted soaps maintain its glycerin, which is a water-binding agent. Water-binding agents keep water in the skin, which aids skin damaged by sun and dehydration.

Good Cleansing

Soaps and scrubs should not strip the natural moisture from the skin; instead, these products should help the skin to find its balance as well as enhance your skin?s natural inner glow.

The ideal formulation should help to hydrate the skin so that during cleansing your skin can absorb adequate molecules of water into the cells.

Organic Oats Honey Lavender Facial Scrub is a classic quartet for the face. Its formulation contains organic oats to gently slough off dead skin cells, organic honey to nourish the skin while organic lavender essential oil helps to reduce inflammation.

Create a Bathing Ritual

Water has a healing power for many of us. Just the thought of the vast expanse of clear blue water will tend to relax the inner you. Creating a bathing ritual can offer you the same many physical and mental benefits.

Even cool summer baths can let a fresher you emerge. Surround yourself with nothing but soft candlelight, soothing sounds of nature and sink deep into cool relaxation. Select Citrus bath fizzy to sharpen the senses and restore energy or Lemongrass bath fizzy to relieve exhaustion and fatigue.

The Healing Power of Touch Include a full-body massage with warm oil to your bathing ritual. A body massage can help to increase the firmness of the skin and can even reduce physical and mental fatigue.

A warm Spirit Body Oil will help lift your spirits and nourish the layers of your skin. Spirit Body oils are nothing more than pure plant oils that purify the skin; enhance the complexion and make you feel more attractive.

http://www.anaturalperspective.com is The Place for natural, holistic and organic skincare products.

http://www.anaturalperspective.com sources different skin care products with an emphasis on promoting your well-being. A Natural Perspective brings you all-natural beauty products especially formulated to help bring back your skin to its beautiful, natural balance. You will feel the difference!

Join our Natural Beauty Newsletter. Monthly beauty tips, promotions and articles.

on 9:35 PM

When we were kids my brother used to say, Do drugs. I think he was kidding.

The truth is using drugs has become an epidemic. I don?t just mean illegal drugs. You and I both know that prescription drugs are widely abused in our culture. The first line of defense for many people is to reach for the medicine cabinet.

The television commercials don?t help either. The pharmaceutical companies have taken their message to the airwaves. We are now encouraged to ask our doctor if Brand-X is right for us.

I am standing on my soapbox a bit here. But my complaint is not against the many medicines that are available to help restore us to health. My complaint is against using drugs when there are better alternatives.

Lowering cholesterol naturally may still be your best option in the war against heart disease.

The third report of the Adult Treatment Panel (ATP III) agrees with me on this. Actually it would be better to say that I agree with ATP III. What does ATP III recommend?

Actually ATP III recommends the same approach you have probably heard many times before. The recommendation is to make changes to your lifestyle. At the very core of these changes we find the subject of diet.

Why diet? Because what we eat ? and don?t eat ? has a strong influence on how our bodies handle cholesterol. For example?

ATP III recommends that 25-35% of our total daily calories be composed of fat. To me that seems like a lot of fat. However, less than 7% of the total should be composed of saturated fat. You want to reduce cholesterol? A good place to start is to cut down on your saturated fat intake.

Saturated fats negatively influence LDL cholesterol levels. Most cholesterol management focuses on lowering LDL cholesterol. Saturated fats cause LDL levels to rise. So every time we grab that burger on the run ? and I love a good burger ? we are making it more difficult for our bodies to keep our LDL levels down.

While we are on the subject of fats we should mention trans-fats. How much of our daily caloric intake should be composed of trans-fats? 0%!

Trans-fats are a different breed. They are actually not saturated fats at all. In fact they are polyunsaturated fats that have been pushed toward saturation by a process called hydrogenation. Structurally they are still unsaturated. However they act very differently in our bodies than do other naturally occurring fats.

Many researchers have implicated trans-fats in the heart disease epidemic of the 1990s. That is a loud message. It is a message that tells us to stay away.

How do you know if you have trans-fats in the foods you eat? Read the labels. Unfortunately food labels do not list trans-fats unless to say the product contains none. Look instead for the phrase ?partially hydrogenated?. You might be surprised how many of the products in your panty contain partially hydrogenated oils.

Now for some good news about fats.

ATP III recommends that up to 30% of your caloric intake be in the form of polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats. Unsaturated fats ? in most cases - do not have the same negative influence on cholesterol as do saturated fats and trans-fats.

And just like those commercials that promise you more if you buy now? there is more to unsaturated fats than merely not having a negative influence on cholesterol.

Take omega-3 for example. Omega-3 fatty acids are among the essential fatty acids that can actually improve your cholesterol profile. Among other things, omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to?

? raise HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol)
? reduce LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol)
? lower triglycerides
? reduce blood platelet stickiness

You can get more omega-3 through certain vegetative sources like broccoli and flax seeds. But the more potent forms are found in cold-water fatty fish like salmon, mackerel and tuna.

If eating fish everyday is not an option for you try omega-3 supplements. There are some that do not produce a fishy aftertaste and contain no metal pollutants.

Reducing your intake of saturated fats and increasing unsaturated fat consumption is one way to lower cholesterol naturally. So before you ask your doctor if Brand-X is right for you, consider making changes to your lifestyle. A grilled tuna sandwich may not be as readily available as that burger that has been sitting under the heat-lamp for three hours, but it may help you reduce your risk for heart disease. Got Fish?

For more information on natural cholesterol management please use the links below:

Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes

Cholesterol Management and Omega-3

Optimal Heart Health Home Page

Optimal-Heart-Health.com is dedicated to promoting heart health by natural means. If you are concerned with doing everything you can to have a healthy heart then you don?t want to be uninformed.

on 2:18 AM

The Shea Body Bar from The Natural Newborn arrived packaged tightly in a draw string bag, and my first thought was how great it smelled. I chose Frozen Margarita, but there are other choices on the website. Ingredients and reordering information were on the side of the package, making it easy for me to order this fantastic soap again.

I was amazed how great this soap really was! Not only is it natural, but it lathers well and leaves skin extremely soft. There's no film left on your skin like other natural soaps leave. It also is a natural white, leaving out unnatural dyes or color additives.

The Natural Newborn specializes in natural baby products. However, they have an excellent line of products for toddlers and moms as well. The Shea Body Bar I had the pleasure of trying out is currently listed under Handcrafted Soaps.

On their website you'll also find Mommy's Mini Spa, which has products such as facial care, body care, and other products just for mom. Under Toddler Tub you'll see items such as hand soaps, skin & body care, bug repellents, and other items for toddlers or older children.

For details on all the wonderful items The Natural Newborn offers, visit http://thenaturalnewborn.com

About the Author: Kara Kelso is the owner of Mom's Market, a family friendly shopping directory featuring product reviews. For more reviews, please visit: http://www.momsmarketonline.com

on 1:34 AM

Save money and give yourself a break from the chemicals found in most hair care products by using the following natural home remedies.

Tame your frizzy hair by rubbing coconut oil into your hands and applying sparingly onto your hair. You don't want to overdo it - too much will make your hair look greasy. Shampooing your hair less frequently also helps with the frizzies. Excess shampooing strips natural oils from the hair.

Rinse your hair with one tablespoon baking soda mixed with one cup of water to get rid of shampoo build-up and styling residues.

Rinsing your hair with one juiced lemon and one cup of water is said to bring life and shine back to dull hair.

1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar mixed with two cups of water will give your hair shine and bounce.

Add essential oil of ylang ylang to your shampoo, conditioner and styling agents as a hair rejuvenator.

Ylang ylang and rosemary essential oils are also believed to stimulate hair growth.

Drinking plenty of water and eating plenty of raw fruits and vegetables and getting plenty of rest is probably the best way to achieving healthy hair.

What goes into your body is reflective on the outside including your hair.

Elizabeth Kiely is the owner of EK Shower Caps: http://www.EKLBC.com

on 10:36 PM

Here is a list of different essential oils that are used in bath and body recipes.

Choose an essential oil that suits your skin requirements you can always substitute you essential oil ingredients for ones that are more suitable, more affordable or simply to one that you may already have

Lavender Essential Oil - Headaches, stress, insomnia, minor burns, skin rashes, lowers blood pressure. Calmative. Basil Essential Oil- Anti bacterial, headaches, mental alertness, fatigue, stress, Period pains (Blends well with lemon and fennel).

Lemon Essential Oil- Cellulite, oily skin, anti bacterial, asthma and other respiratory complaints.

Patchouli Essential Oil - Tightens pores, combats wrinkles, Mobilizes cellulite, stress reliever, insomnia, relaxant, acne, eczema, psoriasis, sores and minor burns (Blends well with lavender and sandalwood).

Sandalwood Essential Oil- Calms the mind and spirit, oily skin, soothes irritated skin, and is an aphrodisiac for men. (Blends well with lavender and sandalwood).

Spearmint Essential Oil- Soothes the skin, calmative, and settles upset tummies.

Lemon Grass Essential Oil- Skin toner, oily skin, fatigue, muscle aches and gastric infections-(Blends well with tea tree and lavender).

Tea Tree Essential Oil- Anti- fungal, acne, skin toner. (Blends well with spearmint, sandalwood, lavender, and eucalyptus).

Juniper Berry Essential Oil - Cellulite, uplifting (Blends well with lavender, patchouli and sandalwood).

Fennel Essential Oil - Diuretic, circulation. Cleansing oil, indigestion and gas. (Blends well with lavender, lemon, basil and sandalwood).

Cypress Essential Oil- Diuretic, varicose veins, circulation, coughs and colds. (Blends well with lavender, sandalwood and patchouli)

This Article was written by Shellie Wilson co/founder of Craftbits.com

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For more free craft resources visit http://www.CraftBits.com

on 6:13 PM

In your quest for health I am sure by now you have heard of organic foods. There are many different ways to define ?organic?. As of October, 2002, the USDA has implemented a certification for all organic foods, which Wikipedia defines as the following:

?Organic certification is a certification process for producers of organic food and other organic agricultural products. In general, any business directly involved in food production can be certified, including seed suppliers, farmers, food processors, retailers and restaurants. Requirements vary from country to country, and generally involve a set of production standards for growing, storage, processing, packaging and shipping that include:

?avoidance of synthetic chemical inputs (e.g. fertilizer, pesticides, antibiotics, food additives, etc) and genetically modified organisms;

?use of farmland that has been free from chemicals for a number of years (often, three or more);

?keeping detailed written production and sales records (audit trail);

?maintaining strict physical separation of organic products from non-certified products;

?undergoing periodic on-site inspections.

Certified organic producers are also subject to the same agricultural, food safety and other government regulations that apply to non-certified producer. Being able to put the word organic on a food product is a valuable marketing advantage in today's consumer market. Certification is intended to protect consumers from misuse of the term, and make buying organics easy. However, the organic labeling made possible by certification itself usually requires explanation.

In the US, federal organic legislation defines three levels of organics. Products made entirely with certified organic ingredients and methods can be labeled 100% organic. Products with 95% organic ingredients can use the word organic. Both may also display the USDA organic seal. A third category, containing a minimum of 70% organic ingredients, can be labeled made with organic ingredients. In addition, products may also display the logo of the certification body that approved them. Products made with less than 70% organic ingredients can not advertise this information to consumers and can only mention this fact in the product's ingredient statement. Similar percentages and labels apply in the EU.?-Wikipedia

Things have certainly changed in the field of organic foods and we should be encouraged but also cautious at the same time. The words ?natural? and ?authentic? are being put on labels of foods and supplements and should not be misinterpreted as ?organic?. This being said, we need to be diligent in learning the facts and reading the labels very carefully! As you will see very soon if not already, some of the commercial grocery store chains are starting to tout their ?organic? sections, but remember to read those labels. Quite often there is not a clear separation of certified organic foods and commercial foods in these stores.

Super store Wal-Mart even announced last month that it would greatly expand its organic products nationally. We shouldn?t be surprised at that since the $15 billion organic industry has grown at least 20% annually for the past 15 years, according to the Organic Trade Association. Consumers' awareness and demand is now there, says Howard Solganik, a consultant. The big retailers now believe they can sell reasonable quantities of organics.

These changes leave long time organic grocery chain Whole Foods executives excited yet concerned. This is the final sign that we're not a fad, says Walter Robb, co-president of Whole Foods 185 stores in 30 states. But he adds: They're chasing our shadow. We won't be tomorrow what we are today. He may very well be correct. If consumers start buying in commercial stores thinking that their new ?organic sections? are all safe foods, they may be sorely mistaken. The incentive to buy at the commercial stores is obvious. There are more of them and based on their high volume, they are able to get better deals on pricing. The problem is, these stores will most likely be buying products from large manufacturers who are also trying to cash in on the rising healthy food demand.

What that means is, you may see more natural ?wonder bread? type products out there, so make sure you are reading labels to ensure that these products still line up with what your body needs. As an example, I tell patients to eat whole wheat breads but many types of bread out there are labeled as wheat but still enrich and bleach their flour so you need to read the labels carefully and look for those key words.

Enriching involves the stripping out of over 40 vitamins and minerals while putting back three B vitamins and iron, typically. Hardly enriching by my definition! Bleaching is just as it sounds, pouring bleach in with the dough. The food industry can give as many reasons as they desire to explain why they bleach, but the truth is, its BLEACH! Would you pour it on your full dinner plates at home? Also, these breads which say they are made from ?wheat? may use hydrogenated oil and high fructose corn syrup. Hydrogenated oil is the worst oil you could give your body and high fructose corn syrup is not much different when absorbed chemically in the body as white sugar or sucrose.

I know you are striving for excellence, and for that I applaud you! Make sure you take all the information in this article to heart. This true info is being shared with you to prevent your body from failing, so apply it into your lifestyle! Keep up the good work, and I will speak to you again soon.

In health,

Thomas Von Ohlen, MS

Thomas Von Ohlen is a clinical nutritionist and developer of Plasma Pro software for doctors. In his 15 years in private practice he has helped thousands of people, from all over the world, achieve their health goals through education and product recommendations. His FREE newsletter is available at http://www.healyourbodynow.com
