on 4:41 PM

Heartburn is caused by the build up of acids within the stomach, usually caused by specific foods that will then be regurgitated up into the esophagus. It causes discomfort in the chest area, near the breast bone. The pain rises into the neck area and into the throat.

In its worst cases, it?s burning and terribly painful. In some rare cases, though, the damage can be enough to cause cancerous cells to develop in this area. Others will suffer from painful inflammations that may also need their own treatment.

So, it?s essential to treat it well and even to find out how to prevent it.

Prevention is the best course

Out of every 100 patients that suffer from heartburn, 95 of them will know what is causing their heartburn before they get to their doctor. If you know what the cause of your heartburn, you cab stop it from hurting and destroying your quality of life. But, if you do not, you can easily learn about it.

Foods are the main trigger. Keep that in mind.

To find out which food, keep a journal of what you eat for several days. Yet, the longer you keep it, the better. Mark down the days when you get heartburn. Check out the kind of foods that you eat. Try to avoid them.

Yes, it?s as easy as that.

Some Important Treatment Options

One of the most common types of medications for heartburn is those that are called antacids. They work for about 25% of the people that take them. This may seem like a low number.

But these medications are ideal for use when you are experiencing lower levels of intensity in the heartburn. They are also a good choice for those that do not experience heartburn all of the time. These are usually purchased as over the counter medications and are made by many different distributors.

If those medications can?t help, the best thing to do is visit your doctor. Your doctor will prescribe medications that can actually turn off the acid producing pumps in your stomach. They will stop the heartburn from happening.

Take It Seriously

Many of those that are suffering from heartburn right now are actually experiencing more than just a little discomfort.

Chronic heartburn is a real problem. It can actually cause a lot of damage to your body?s internal organs. If you have them often, you might be harming your esophagus. Only your doctor can tell you the damage level.

If you have never had heartburn but are feeling it now for the first time and you are over the age of 40, you should contact your doctor right away.

If you have heartburn more than three times a week, you should seek get a professional help.

About the author: Riana Lance has a deep concern on health. That brings her to create essential tips on how to become healthier. Get her inspirational e-mail guides on Heartburn Treatments & Preventions at http://www.healthifica.com/reports/heartburn.php Also, grasp her other motivational health tips at http://www.healthifica.com, a worth-to-visit daily updated blog.
